
Policy 13: The 99 Billion Pound Gorilla in the Room: Mindless Materialism

Policy 13: The 99 Billion Pound Gorilla in the Room: Mindless Materialism

The current approach to economics is sheer madness. We have a society that is producing things for the sake of production. In Capitalism, price is equated with value. Meaning that if there is a price to pay for something is valuable. Therefore, if you can trick people into exchanging their perfectly good working phone for, say, a phone with retina display – is that value? What this reality illustrates is how Capitalist have no vision for society. They don't care that psycho-supply chains are causing people to jump off buildings into embracing arms of suicide nets. They don’t care that there are 99 billion pounds of e-waste being generated and sent to the “former” colonies. They don’t care we are perpetually made miserable by the 24/7 ads trying to convince us we would be better off if we had the latest blob of materialistic trash designed only to last a few years.  All they care about is the mindless march of money: increased market share, greater profitability,  higher stock prices and so on.